‘Don’t go to the lake…’
The Dead Don’t Scream is a 2007 action horror film produced, directed and written by Richard Perrin. It stars Caitlyn Camille Perrin, Jerilyn Perrin, Jeremy Schwab, Brad Hartliep, Charles Martin, Lindsey Gardner, Trey Caldwell, Taylor Chadwell, Kelly Vallejo, Mark Osburn, Rick Alan Rhoads. The film’s reported budget was $66,000.
Plot teaser:
A group of college students on a road trip to hell when they stumble across a small Texas town with an entire economy based upon stealing cars. Unfortunately, for them, cars aren’t the only things getting chopped…
” …horror fans can at least take satisfaction in the fact that the film does make a reasonable attempt to deliver the macabre goods that we all expect from these movies. The obligatory nudity is included, but what’s more, there’s plenty of carnage on display, and the make-up FX is excellent for such a low budget production. Throats are slashed and faces are blown off with shotguns. None of it is a hundred percent convincing, but the special effects are quite good.” DigitalHorror.com
Buy The Dead Don’t Scream on DVD from Amazon.com
“Not stellar, due to budget constraints and usage of what they have to work with but still impressive that they pulled it off, gave some new faces screen time and were able to weave an original story around it all.” HorrorNews.net
“The action, blood and gore are delivered in huge quantities. Although there is only once topless scene at the beginning of the film, there are lots of beautiful bikini clad hotties running around for almost the entire movie.” Film Apocalypse!
Filming locations:
Euless, Grand Prairie and Grapevine, Texas