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Murder University (2012)



‘The tuition isn’t all that will kill you.’

Murder University is a 2012 American horror film directed by Richard Griffin (Flesh for the Inferno; Dr. Frankenstein’s Wax Museum of the Hungry DeadThe Disco Exorcist) from a screenplay by Lenny Schwartz (Scary Little Fuckers; Normal).

MU Title

Main cast:

Jamie Dufalt, Michael Thurber, Samantha Acampora, Rich Tretheway, Juicy K. Thunder, David Adams Murphy, Dave Almeida.



1983: A series of brutal, cult-like murders are taking place at a New England college.

Josh Greene, a shy freshman, is the lone survivor of a series of murders that are reminiscent of a similar string of killings some twenty years prior. As he seeks to uncover the secret behind the attacks, he is joined by Detective Forrester, who was instrumental in halting the bloodshed before, and his daughter Meg, who had barely escaped being a victim previously…



“Griffin and screenwriter Lenny Schwartz have a real gift for comedy and the cast deliver every line with a perfect deadpan, loved it. The music s great, a burping 80’s synth score with shrieking stingers and droning atmosphere. There’s also a cool 50’s flashback scene featuring a trio performing a ditty about the pinko commie threat, sweet, followed by some sex, gore and humor in short order.” McBastard’s Mausoleum

“The filmmakers have obviously watched many, many genre films and have set out to make a worthy and respectful tribute to a classic style that is rarely seen these days. The wanton nudity and over the top gore are strangely, refreshingly comedic at a time when more polished, sterilised films are prevalent from the studio system … Murder University is a typical example of a good idea that just hasn’t either been thought through well enough, or not conveyed adequately to the screen.” John Townsend, HorrorNews.net



“Throughout, the acting is better than average. This isn’t a genuine slasher movie containing nothing but gruesome murders. Sure, you have that but there is also a good story with plenty of humour, jokes and music, terrible as the latter may be. The characters are also three-dimensional with even the bad guys coming across as real people. This is because the script is reasonable and the actors are not cardboard cut-outs.” Rod MacDonald, SF Crowsnest


Murder University would be a good slasher/giallo tribute if it stuck to BEING a slasher/giallo tribute. It has a good slasher storyline, likable characters, passable effects, a bit of good comedy, and plenty of sex, blood, and nudity. However, the tangents the script takes into weirder, more out-of-place comedy cause a wildly inconsistent tone and actually overshadow the few moments where the jokes work!” Mike, Horrorfreak News





Filming locations:

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA

IMDb | Image credits: Horrorfreak News | HorrorNews.net

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